
Whether you’re planning to create a strategy, or you already have one, we’ve got resources to help you.

5 insights to help you manage organizational change for better content

Some of us at Content Strategy Inc recently attended the IIBA speaker event, Adding Change Management to a Business Analyst Skillset. Business consultant Alexander Stanisic shared his experience in helping companies align strategy, people, process, structures, and culture in order to execute lasting organizational change. There were so many great take-aways for us as content strategists! […]

Content toolkit: A checklist to reduce and simplify your content

Use this content checklist to find ways to trim down and simplify your content on your social media accounts, websites, and blogs.

Content teamwork: Aligning your people and process [Workshop slides]

But how are you actually going to make it work? Not just today, but tomorrow, and next year, and the year after that? Sound magical? Nope, it’s just good content governance. Kathy Wagner and Melissa Breker’s 2016 half-day Collective Conference workshop led participants through exercises and examples of how people and process fit into the larger content governance […]

Apples, oranges, and tofu: The importance of taxonomy in content strategy

On a Monday night in May, Content Strategy Inc senior content strategist Blaine Kyllo handed out dozens of 2 x 3” cards—one set for each of the three groups of assembled at the Vancouver Information Architecture and Content Strategy Meetup. Each card had a food product written on it, and the groups were asked to […]

A new model for content strategy

If you search online to figure out what content strategy is, be prepared to be confused. There are experts who define content strategy (many of them in fact) but their definitions are rarely in plain language and the number of variations and contradictions are overwhelming and confusing.

Content toolkit: Digital competitive analysis template

An important part of developing a practical content strategy is understanding what your competitors are up to. Our digital competitive analysis template will help you get an overview of the content landscape in your industry.

How to use content model templates across teams

Liaising across teams over and over on web page formats or content modules is hardly an effective use of time. When we start working with clients, we often find situations where nearly every piece of content is being newly designed without consideration to consistency across similar types of content (or else just the opposite, with […]

Content toolkit: Stylistic editing checklist

Stylistic editing ensures content looks and sounds the way it is supposed to. The company’s style, brand, voice, and tone guidelines all come into play, which can be challenging when there are hundreds (if not thousands) of pages of content on multiple channels.

Best practices for archiving and deleting content

When we talk about the digital content life cycle, we typically break it into five stages: strategize and ideate, plan, design and create, evaluate, and finally, maintain.

Content toolkit: Unnecessary word list

Complex words and phrases make your web copy difficult to understand. When you do a copy editing pass, look for ways to simplify by replacing two and three-word phrases with pared-down versions.

Web writing best practices: Keep it lean

When you stuff your pages with extra articles, adverbs, and roundabout phrasing, your message gets fuzzy. Write lean and your readers will thank you.

Content toolkit: Substantive editing checklist

Substantive editing is the part of the writing and revision process that looks at what Ginny Redish calls, “the big picture”. It occurs in early drafts and addresses key messages, user needs, and structure.

Content toolkit: Content quality audit template

A content quality audit is a foundational activity that informs your content strategy by identifying strengths and weaknesses in existing content, and helping you to prioritize future content projects.

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